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 Subject : 2. LMA ok or not ok now? (Answer included in text below).. 04/22/2020 10:27:12 AM 
Leopoldo Rodriguez, MD, MBA, FAAAP, FASA, SAMBA-F
Posts: 53
Answer: Collaboration by Drs. J Lichtor and Leo Rodriguez

There has not been a study yet to show that risk is greater if an LMA is used during a procedure where there might be the risk of COVID-19 transmission. When low pressures are used for ventilation, there might be no greater risk, but if when using an LMA, if higher ventilation pressures are needed, there might be a greater risk of aerosol generation, compared to the same conditions when an endotracheal tube is used. Certainly the overall risk of coughing might be less when an LMA is used.
Last Edited On: 04/22/2020 11:13:16 AM By Leopoldo Rodriguez, MD, MBA, FAAAP, FASA, SAMBA-F
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